

「普萊西對弗格森」 (Plessy
v. Ferguson) 案
非裔美籍議員班哲明‧阿內特 (Benjamin
W. Arnett) 描述他在1886年於俄亥俄州搭乘火車的一次遭隔離的經驗:「我在這個自由州待了20個小時,沒有任何東西可以吃;那並不是因為我沒有錢,而是因為我是黑人。其他膚色較淡的乘客都有早餐與晚餐可以吃。在旅行的時候,我們被安排在只有黑人乘客的車廂裡,也被拒絕購買臥舖的位置。」這項不平等的政策後來是怎麼被改變的呢?
African American legislator Benjamin W. Arnett described a train ride in segregated Ohio in 1886: "I have traveled in this free country for 20 hours without anything to eat; not because I had no money to pay for it, but because I was colored. Other passengers of a lighter hue had breakfast, dinner and supper. In traveling we are thrown in [cars for blacks only], denied the privilege of buying a berth in the sleeping coach." How did this inequality by law finally change?
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