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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
The President's dream of a successful hunt

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考察法 (Expedition Act) 通過了

羅斯福成為大家口中的「托辣斯破壞者」,但是那並不是指羅斯福認為所有的企業合併都是不好的。羅斯福就在好的托辣斯與壞的托辣斯之間明白畫出界線,前者是線性有效率的企業生產,而後者是以其優勢控制高價格的企業。羅斯福持續對抗那些「大型企業」,而後又在1907年順利打破標準石油公司 (Standard Oil) 的獨佔情形。羅斯福的行動受到大家的歡迎,但是有些歷史學家卻認為他這種打擊托辣斯的行為純粹是政治考量,也是政府想要控制美國企業的心態所致。你覺得呢?

Roosevelt became known as a "trustbuster," but that didn't mean that he thought all business combinations were bad. He made the distinction between good trusts that streamlined business production, and bad trusts that used their position to keep prices high. Roosevelt continued to fight against "Big Business," and he led a successful crusade to break up the Standard Oil monopoly in 1907. Roosevelt's actions were popular with the public, but some historians have argued that his trust-busting behavior was motivated by politics as much as by the government's desire to control corporate America. What do you think?
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