
美國軍艦緬因號遭擊沈的13週年紀念 (1911年2月15日,哈瓦那港)

美國軍艦緬因號 (U.S.S.
Maine) 沈沒了
經過正式的官方調查後,美國海軍指出軍艦爆炸的原因是碰觸到地雷。美國海軍並沒有責怪任何人或任何國家。究竟誰應該被譴責呢?當時控制掌管古巴的是西班牙。那麼,造成這場爆炸的究竟是古巴人、西班牙人,還是純屬意外呢?許多美國人認為西班牙應該要負責 (現在有許多歷史學家都認為是船員操控不當導致爆炸) 。而西班牙與美國之間的關係也變得相當緊繃,雙方再也無法針對這個情況進行討論。那一年的四月底,美西戰爭就爆發。
After an official investigation, the U.S. Navy reported that the ship had been blown up by a mine. The Navy did not blame any person or country for the explosion. Who was to blame? Spain controlled Cuba at the time. So, was it Cuba, or Spain, or was it an accident? Many people in the United States blamed Spain (Today, however, many historians believe a malfunction in the ship caused the explosion). The relationship between Spain and the U.S. became so strained that they could no longer discuss the situation. By the end of April, the Spanish-American War had begun.