

路易斯‧阿姆斯壯發明的這種唱腔,被稱作為「擬聲唱法」 (scat
singing) 。這種唱法比較像是以樂器即興創作曲調。擬聲唱法和一般歌唱必須唱出真正的文字不同,前者是用無意義的聲音來搭配旋律。阿姆斯壯的擬聲表演與他渾厚的歌聲,和他小號演奏的功力一樣相當有名。他和另外一位有名的爵士與擬聲歌手愛拉‧費茲傑羅 (Ella
Fitzgerald) 共同錄製了許多歌曲。
除了這些成就之外,路易斯‧阿姆斯壯也是音樂排行榜年紀最大的榜首的紀錄保持人。在他63歲的時候,他的唱片哈囉,朵麗 (Hello,
Dolly,和音樂劇同名) 還躍居排行榜冠軍。更讓人驚訝的是,他在1964年擊敗「披頭四」 (Beatles) 登上排行榜冠軍!路易斯‧阿姆斯壯成為一代巨星之前,歷經了一段相當長久的貧窮之路。
The new style of singing that Louis Armstrong pioneered was called "scat." Scat singing is a lot like improvising on a musical instrument. Instead of singing real words, with scat one sings nonsense words to the melody. Armstrong became as famous for his scat singing and gravelly voice as his trumpet playing. He recorded many songs with another jazz great and scat singer, Ella Fitzgerald.
In addition to all of his accomplishments, Louis Armstrong holds the record for being the oldest artist ever to have a Number 1 record. He accomplished this when he was 63 years old with his version of the song "Hello, Dolly," from the musical of the same name. What is even more extraordinary is that he reached Number 1 in 1964 by toppling the Beatles from the top of the charts! Louis Armstrong had come a long way from his poor Louisiana beginnings.