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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
Children making ice cream, 1940.

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不管你最喜歡哪一種口味的冰淇淋,你都可以加上奶油、糖漿,還有其他味道 (像是巧克力或草莓) ,然後小心的降低這個混和物的溫度,直到變硬為止。後來發現用食鹽來控制原料的溫度,以及有輪動攪拌機的木桶冷藏室都是製作冰淇淋的重大發明。一家來自巴爾的摩的公司在1851年率先在商店中販賣冰淇淋。最後,因為有冰箱冷藏室的發明,於是有了冰淇淋商店,也讓冰淇淋成為美國文化的一種象徵。你喜不喜歡冰淇淋呢?

Whatever flavor ice cream you like best, you can make it by mixing cream, sugar, and flavorings (like chocolate or strawberry) and then carefully lowering the mixture's temperature until it sets. The discovery of using salt to control the temperature of the ingredients, along with the invention of the wooden bucket freezer with rotary paddles, were major breakthroughs in the creation of ice cream as we know it. A Baltimore company was the first to sell it to stores in 1851. Finally, with the introduction of refrigerator-freezers came the ice cream shop, which has become a symbol of American culture. Do you scream for ice cream?
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