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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)
Wife of a sharecropper, Lee County, Mississippi, 1935

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小說家威廉‧福克納 (William Faulkner) 出生

雖然福克納曾經在歐洲與好萊塢住過短暫的時間,他卻把其他的時光都留給密西西比州跟維吉尼亞州。他在這些地方持續完成許多優異的作品。一開始,沒有人想要出版福克納的作品,因為出版商都認為他的風格太具實驗性,但是福克納還是繼續寫作,以求得自我滿足的感受。一直到他的第四本小說「癡人狂喧」 (The Sound and the Fury,又譯做聲囂與憤怒) 在1929年出版之後,福克納的寫作生涯才開始起飛。他的許多作品都是從一個弱智兒童的眼光來敘述的。福克納創造的人物,許多都面臨到種族歧視的問題,但是卻依然在困苦的環境中維持自己的自尊。
Except for short stints in Europe and Hollywood, Faulkner spent the remainder of his life in Mississippi and Virginia, writing brilliantly and constantly. At first, no one would publish his work because of his experimental formats, but he was determined to continue writing anyway, for his own fulfillment. With the publication in 1929 of his fourth novel, The Sound and the Fury, his career took off. Much of the novel is told from the viewpoint of a retarded boy. Faulkner created many characters who confronted racial injustices while struggling to live with dignity.
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