第一位鷹級童子軍亞瑟‧愛爾得瑞得 (Arthur
R. Eldred)
你必須要拿到21個表現優異的獎章才能成為鷹級童子軍,其中有12種獎章是一定要拿到的,例如急救與世界公民獎章 (First
Aid and Citizenship of the World) 等。英國中將羅伯特‧拜登包爾 (Robert
Baden-Powell) 寫的「男童子軍的活動」 (Scouting
for Boys) 在1908年出版之後,男童軍的運動開始蔚為風潮。拜登包爾建議應該把時下男孩團體轉變成為童子軍團。當時美國人正好十分喜歡戶外休閒活動,並認為那是發展人格特質的一種方法。
美國男童子軍在威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫特 (William
Howard Taft) 總統願意擔任榮譽團長的支持下,於1910年正式成立。到了1912年,每一州都擁有自己的童子軍團。西元1916年,美國政府正式同意讓童子軍能夠穿著類似美國軍人的制服。
It takes 21 merit awards to become an Eagle Scout, and 12 of those awards are required, such as First Aid and Citizenship of the World. The Boy Scout movement began with the 1908 publication of Scouting for Boys by British Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell. He suggested turning existing boys' groups into scout patrols. Americans at that time had a popular fascination with outdoor recreation as a means of developing a person's character.
The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910 with President William Howard Taft as honorary president. By 1912, every state could claim a band of troops. In 1916, the government granted Scouts the right to wear a uniform similar to a U.S. armed services uniform.