偉大的棒球投手賽楊 (Cy
Young) 在他的第一場職業球賽中擔任投手
在他的22年棒球生涯中,賽揚一共贏得511場勝利,平均每一季有23場勝投!當他與蜘蛛隊的合約終止後,賽揚轉而效力於波士頓紅襪隊 (Red
Sox) ,後來又到克裡夫蘭印第安人隊 (Indians) ,這張交易熱絡的棒球卡就是他在印第安人隊時拍的。賽揚的勝投記錄使他在1937年獲選進入棒球名人堂。不過賽揚並不是他真正的名字。你知道為什麼人們會叫他賽揚嗎?
Over the course of his 22-year career, Young won 511 games and averaged about 23 victories a season! After his stint with the Spiders, Young played with the Boston Red Sox, and finally the Cleveland Indians, as seen in this popular trading card. His record put him into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1937. Cy wasn't his real name. How do you think he came to be called that?