伊萊莎‧魯哈碼‧賽得摩爾 (Eliza
Ruhamah Scidmore) 是一個旅遊作家與攝影師,當她於1885年自日本返回日本之後,有了在華盛頓種植櫻桃樹的構想。她建議市政府購買樹木,但是政府卻不理會她的提議。最後,到了1909年,她決定募款來自行購買樹木。她寫信給第一夫人海倫‧黑隆‧塔夫特,並且告訴第一夫人這個計畫。第一夫人對這個計畫感到相當有興趣,並且決定負責推動。當紐約市的日本使節得知第一夫人的計畫後,他建議日本政府將這些櫻桃樹當成禮物送給美國政府。
Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, a travel writer and photographer, had the idea of planting cherry trees in Washington after she returned from a trip to Japan in 1885. She recommended that the city purchase the trees, but the government ignored her request. Finally, in 1909, she decided to raise money and purchase them herself. She wrote to First Lady Helen Herron Taft and told her of her plans. The first lady was enthusiastic about the idea and decided to take up the matter. Once the Japanese consul in New York heard of the first lady's plans, he suggested that his government make a gift of the trees to the U.S. government.