

現在當我們想到華盛頓特區的春天時,第一個出現在腦海裡的影像應該是花朵盛開的櫻花樹。這些樹木已經成為觀光客對這個成是印象最深刻的景象之一。西元1912年3月27日,第一夫人海倫‧黑隆‧塔夫特 (Helen
Herron Taft) 和日本大使次恩塔
(Viscountess Chinda)的夫人在華盛頓的波多馬克潮汐湖 (Potomac
Tidal Basin) 北岸種下兩棵吉野櫻桃樹以象徵兩國之間的情誼。你知道當時一共種植了多少棵櫻桃樹嗎?
Today, when we think of Washington, D.C., in the springtime, one of the first images that comes to mind is the cherry trees in full bloom. These trees have become one of the most impressive tourist attractions in the city. On March 27, 1912, First Lady Helen Herron Taft and the wife of the Japanese ambassador, Viscountess Chinda, planted two Yoshino cherry trees on the northern bank of the Potomac Tidal Basin in Washington. How many more cherry trees do you think were planted at that time?