娜麗‧布萊 (Nellie
Bly) 環遊世界
你有沒有看過作家朱理斯‧佛恩 (Jules
Verne) 所寫的「環遊世界80天」 (Around
the World in Eighty Days) 這本書?書裡的英雄菲利斯‧福格 (Phileas
T. Fogg) 以80天整的時間確實環繞世界一周。布萊的本名叫做伊利莎白‧寇克藍 (Elizabeth
Cochrane) ,她說她能用更短的時間完成環遊世界的壯舉。布萊搭乘船隻、火車、人力車、舢舨、騎馬,以及驢子的方式完成了這項壯舉。布萊所服務的報社每天都會刊載她旅程的進展,並且還提供一歐洲之旅給能猜到最接近她完成旅程時間者。報社一共收到將近1百萬份的猜獎單,而報紙的銷售量也比以往更好。
Have you read the book Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne? The hero of the book, Phileas T. Fogg, travels around the globe in precisely 80 days. Bly, born Elizabeth Cochrane, said she could do it in less time. Bly traveled by ship, train, jinrikisha (a seat on wheels pulled by a man), sampan (a small riverboat), horse, and donkey to make it. Her newspaper carried daily articles about her journey and offered a trip to Europe to the person who could come closest to guessing her finish time. The paper received nearly 1 million entries and sold more copies than ever before.
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