
狗警察逮捕李歐倪德斯教授 (電影「偷了一頓晚餐」中的一幕)
比利‧比澤 (Billy
Bitzer) 於1899年4月28日拍了「偷了一頓晚餐」 (Stealing
a Dinner) 這部電影
這個簡短的喜劇是比澤為「電影放映機與傳記公司」 (Mutoscope
and Biograph Company) 最先拍攝的幾部電影之一。電影放映機 (mutoscope) 是用手操作的一種看電影的機器,他的畫面是儲存在卡片上 (而不是底片) ,並架設在一個轉動鼓之上。當你很快的轉動機器時,就會出現移動的畫面。你有沒有在紙張角落畫圖,並且很快的翻閱這些紙張的經驗?那個圖片看起來就像正在運動一般。這就是早期電影的製作基礎,不過後來投影機的發明,又改變了一切。
This short comedy was one of the first motion pictures filmed by Bitzer for the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. The mutoscope was a peephole motion picture device run by hand. The frames for the mutoscope were on cards (instead of film)-mounted on a rotating drum. When turned very quickly, it created the illusion of movement. Have you ever drawn pictures on the corner of a pad of paper and flipped through it quickly? The pictures seem to move! That was the basis of these early movies, until the projector came along and changed everything.
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