喬治‧華盛頓逾1799年12月14日在弗農山莊 (Mount
Vernon) 家中去世
我們也把華盛頓的生日訂為國定假日。我們以許多畫像與雕像來敬仰他,而他的肖像也被銘刻在25分的銅板與1塊錢的紙鈔之上。凡是他曾住過、作戰過、工作過,或者是參訪過的場所,都被保留下來,以紀念他對美國建國的貢獻。因為他的卓越領導,華盛頓被認為是美國在世界上的象徵。包括拿破崙 (Napoleon) 的軍隊與英國軍艦在內,在華盛頓去世的時候,都同時表達對他的尊敬之意。所以,喬治‧華盛頓只花少許時光在當謙和農夫之上,真是美國人的幸運。
Today, we call Washington the "father of our country," and many landmarks and places bear his name: Washington, D.C., the state of Washington, the Washington Monument, and numerous towns across the United States. Perhaps there is a school, park, street or landmark named after him where you live.
We celebrate Washington's birthday as a national holiday. Countless paintings and statues honor him, and money bears his image too, most notably the quarter and the one-dollar bill. Places where he lived, fought, worked or visited have been preserved to remember his contribution in forming the United States. Washington has been honored for his leadership and as a symbol of the U.S. the world over. Even Napoleon's armies and the British channel fleet paid homage to his memory when he died. So it was lucky for the U.S. that George Washington spent so little time as a gentleman farmer.
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