法薩爾大學 (Vassar
College) 的創辦人--馬修‧法薩爾 (Matthew
Vassar) 生於1792年4月29日
這首對馬修‧法薩爾致敬的歌曾經一度受到歡迎,她是法莎大學的創辦人,於1792年4月29日出生於英格蘭的諾弗克 (Nortfolk) ,他因為釀酒事業能成為富豪。在他的外甥女莉蒂雅‧布斯 (Lydia
Booth) 遊說之下,他捐出一半的財富、以及在紐約樸基西 (Poughkeepsie) 地區廣達200英畝的土地,成立一所女子大學。他之所以成立這所學校,就是為了要和當時拒絕女性入學的那些名校相比。
And so you see, to old V.C. Our love shall never fail. Full well we know that all we owe To Matthew Vassar's ale.
This once-popular song pays tribute to Matthew Vassar, founder of Vassar College (V.C.), who was born on April 29, 1792, in Norfolk, England. He had made a fortune in the brewing business. His niece, Lydia Booth, inspired Vassar to donate half of this fortune, as well as 200 acres of land in Poughkeepsie, New York, to create a women's college. He intended for it to be comparable to the best universities of the day, most of which excluded women.
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