當巴爾地摩與俄亥俄鐵道公司完成西維吉尼亞的會林 (Wheeling,
West Virginia) 鐵道時,巴爾地摩與俄亥俄河終於在1852年藉由鐵路連結在一起。後來,鐵道又延伸到芝加哥、聖路易士,以及克裡夫蘭等地。到了1869年,「中部太平洋線」 (Central
Pacific) 與「美國太平洋線」 (Union
) 會合,成為第一條跨大陸的鐵道。雖然許多拓荒者仍然駕著馬車到西部開拓,但是因為火車的速度比較快,而且班次較多。因此來往東西部的人數也越來越多。
此外,火車旅行對許多人都有浪漫的吸引力。歌曲、故事、詩文,以及戲劇等等,都以鐵路作為背景。在此你可以聽到拜隆‧柯芬 (Byron
Coffin) 唱的歌,內容是有關一個叫做凱西‧瓊斯 (Casey
Jones) 與一趟重要的火車旅程的故事。
Baltimore and the Ohio River were connected by rail in 1852, when the B&O was completed at Wheeling, West Virginia. Later extensions brought the line to Chicago, St. Louis, and Cleveland. In 1869, the Central Pacific line and the Union Pacific line joined to create the first transcontinental railroad. Pioneers continued to travel west by covered wagon, but as trains became faster and more frequent, settlements across the continent grew larger and more quickly.
Train travel continues to hold a romantic appeal for many people. Songs, stories, poems and plays have been written about the railways. Here you can listen to Byron Coffin sing about engineer Casey Jones and his fateful last ride on the rails.
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AUDIO CREDIT: Coffin, Byron, Sr., vocals, and Mrs. Byron Coffin, Sr., piano. "Casey Jones," Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell, April 6, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.