

1790年10月3日出生的小約翰酋長 (Chief
little John) 與淚水小徑 (Trail
of Tears)
你曾做過最令人難過的事情是什麼呢?那些事情會讓你落淚嗎?約翰‧羅斯必須帶領他的切諾基 (Cherokee) 人民,跋涉一千英里離開他們在喬治亞州的老家。一路上有很多人死去,這段長途跋涉的道路,也因此被稱為「淚水小徑」。
What is the saddest thing you've ever had to do? Did it make you cry? John Ross had to lead the Cherokee people 1,000 miles away from their ancestral home in Georgia. So many people died along the way that the forced march became known as the "Trail of Tears."
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