露克瑞蒂雅‧柯芬‧莫特 (Lucretia
Coffin Mott) 生於1793年1月3日
露克瑞蒂雅‧柯芬‧莫特為了她一生的信念而工作著。莫特於1793年1月3日出生在麻州的南卡克特 (Nantucket) ,她一生都在為了反對奴隸制度、戰爭、酒精濫用,以及女性的不平等地位而奮鬥。你知道那個時代女性的生活是怎麼樣的嗎?
Lucretia Coffin Mott worked for the causes she believed in all her life. Born on this date, January 3, 1793, in Nantucket, Massachusetts, Mott committed herself to the fight against slavery and war, the abuse of alcohol, and especially the inequality of women. Do you know what it was like for women when Mott was alive?
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