

瑞佛迪‧強森 (Reverdy
Johnson) 生於1796年5月21日
馬里蘭州的位置使得北方聯盟的首都哥倫比亞特區得以不被南方聯盟包圍。然而,因為該州內部強力聲援南方各州的情緒,馬裡蘭的居民在內戰期間必須接受戒嚴法的管制。換言之,北方聯盟的軍隊負責統治該州。在內戰期間,馬里蘭州的州界處也發生過幾場主要的戰爭,例如安提耶坦 (Antietam) 之戰—這是美國歷史上最血腥的一天。在內戰結束之後,瑞佛迪‧強森主張對北方聯盟應該對南方各州採取較溫和的處理方式,這也是因為他代表的是該州內部的分裂態度所致。你知道哪一州是蓄奴州,而哪一州不是嗎?看看這張地圖吧!
Maryland's position kept the District of Columbia, the capital of the Union, from being surrounded by Confederate states. However, because of strong Southern sentiments within the state, Marylanders lived under martial law during the war; that is, the Union military ruled the state. Several major Civil War battles took place within Maryland's borders, including the Battle of Antietam, the single bloodiest day in American history. After the war, Reverdy Johnson argued for a less harsh treatment of the South by the North, again representing the split attitudes of his state. Do you know which states were slave states and which were not? Take a look at this map.
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