
瑞佛迪‧強森 (右一) 是泰勒總統 (立者) 在位時的首席檢察官

瑞佛迪‧強森 (Reverdy
Johnson) 生於1796年5月21日
瑞佛迪‧強森於1796年5月21日生於馬裡蘭的安那波裡斯 (Annapolis) ,他是馬里蘭州選出的參議員,並且在札卡裡‧泰勒 (Zachary
Taylor) 總統在位時,擔任首席檢察官。在左圖裡,強森站在最右邊。因為馬里蘭州的立場,強森曾擔任過許多具爭議性的角色。
The state of Maryland was caught in the middle of the Civil War. It was a slave-holding state, but some of its leaders, such as attorney and statesman Reverdy Johnson, wanted to remain with the Union and not join the rest of the slave states in forming the Confederacy.
Born on May 21, 1796, in Annapolis, Maryland, Johnson represented Maryland in the Senate and served as attorney general under President Zachary Taylor. That's him in the picture on the far right. Johnson took on several controversial roles because of his state's position.
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