瑪莎‧華盛頓 (Martha
Washington) 於1802年5月22日去世
她是美國首位第一夫人,但是你還知道什麼有關瑪莎‧丹瑞奇‧柯斯提斯 (Martha
Dandridge Custis) 的事情呢?在經歷了多采多姿的一生後,瑪莎‧華盛頓於1822年5月22日因為高燒而去世。
在瑪莎‧華盛頓於1759年嫁給喬治‧華盛頓時,她是一個25歲的寡婦,而且還帶著兩個小孩。她同時也是維吉尼亞州最富有的婦女之一,她的前夫丹尼爾‧帕克‧柯斯提斯 (Daniel
Parke Custis) 留給他大約1萬5千英畝的農地。在她嫁給喬治之後,瑪莎的生活有了巨大的轉變。你覺得有什麼不同嗎?
She was the first of first ladies, but what else do you know about Martha Dandridge Custis Washington? After an eventful and varied life, Martha Washington died on May 22, 1802, of a severe fever.
Martha Washington was 27 years old and a widowed mother of two when she married George Washington in 1759. She was also one of the wealthiest women in Virginia, having inherited some 15,000 acres of farmland from her deceased husband, Daniel Parke Custis. Her social life changed drastically once she married George. How do you think it was different?
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