

史蒂芬‧道格拉斯 (Stephan
A. Douglas) 生於1813年4月23日
人們叫他「小巨人」。雖然他的身材比較矮小,但是史蒂芬‧道格拉斯在國會裡的影響力卻很大,所以才有這個外號。道格拉斯於1813年4月13日出生在佛蒙特的布蘭登 (Brandon) 地區。他曾擔任過美國眾議員、參議員,以及總統候選人。
People called him the "Little Giant." Though short in stature, Stephen A. Douglas was very influential in Congress, thus earning his nickname. Born in Brandon, Vermont, on April 23, 1813, Douglas was a U.S. representative, senator, and presidential candidate.
Douglas settled in Illinois at the age of 20. There he quickly established himself as a leader in the Democratic Party, first in the House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate. Before his death in 1861, what did the "Little Giant" accomplish in government?
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