
梭羅,這位美國作家曾經住在麻州瓦登湖 (Lake
Walden) 旁的小屋裡,寫下許多描述戶外生活的作品

約翰‧濟慈 (John
Keats) 於1819年9月19日寫下秋賦 (To
約翰‧濟慈寫過許多詩賦,也被許多人認為是他最偉大的詩文成就。除了這首在9月所寫的「秋賦」之外,其他的作品都是在1819年的3月到6月中間所完成的。當時,他自己不但身染重病,同時也因為兄弟的去世而趕到悲傷。他很喜歡芬妮‧布朗 (Fanny
Brawne) ,布朗後來也成為他的未婚妻。但令人遺憾的是,在1821年時,年僅26歲的約翰‧濟慈就因為結核病而去世了。
對於大自然世界的觀察與描繪乃是英國浪漫派運動所追求的目標 (浪漫式的寫作風格也有將過去理想化的特質) 。包括約翰‧濟慈、華茲華斯 (William
Wordsworth) 、柯立芝 (Samuel
Taylor Coleridge) 等詩人,對於梭羅 (Henry
David Thoreau) 等美國作家有著深遠的影響。曾經住在瓦登湖畔的梭羅,在他的手札裡就承繼了浪漫派詩人的傳統,對週遭環境有深刻的描述。
John Keats wrote several odes, which many people say are his greatest poetic achievements. With the exception of "To Autumn" which he wrote in September, he wrote all the odes between March and June of 1819. During this time, he was struggling with a fatal illness as well as mourning the death of his brother. He also had an intense love affair with Fanny Brawne, who later became his fiancée. Sadly, John Keats died from tuberculosis at the age of 26 in 1821.
Observation and description of the natural world were typical of the English Romantic movement (Romantic writing is characterized by an idealization of the past.) Poets John Keats, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge had an influence on American writers such as Henry David Thoreau. Living on Walden Pond, Thoreau continued the tradition of Romantic poets in his journals describing his surroundings.
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