湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜 (Thomas
Jefferson) 於1801年2月17日贏得選舉與總統職位
當湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜競選總統時,他擊敗對手約翰‧亞當斯 (John
Adams) ,但是卻和他的夥伴安倫波 (Aaron
Burr) 得到一樣多的票數。因此,究竟誰才是總統,而誰又是副總統呢?這必須交由眾議院來決定,而大多數的議員並不傾向於支持傑佛遜。傑佛遜事實上和國會多數黨也不是同一黨派。傑佛遜和安倫波在接下來的六天內展開競選對抗。最後,湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜贏得國會的支持,也成為美國的第三任總統;而安倫波也順理成章成為副總統。
When Thomas Jefferson ran for president, he beat his opponent, John Adams, but he tied with his running mate, Aaron Burr. So, who was to be the president and who was to be the vice president? It was up to the House of Representatives to decide, and most of the congressmen did not like the idea of voting for Jefferson. He wasn't even a member of the same political party as they were. Jefferson and Burr campaigned against each other for six days. Finally, Thomas Jefferson won the support of Congress and became the third president of the United States. Burr, as a result, became vice president.
Congress decided to establish a process so they wouldn't have to make that decision again.
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