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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)

Listen to:
Bill Robinson and Jesse Robinson play the "Eighth of January."

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美國於181518日取得紐奧良戰爭 (Battle of New Orleans) 的勝利


而「一月的第八天」 (The Eighth of January) 這首歌,也成為1940年代大家在跳方塊舞時喜歡放的音樂之一。也許你的家人曾經聽過這首歌。你可以邀請他們一起來聽這首「一月的第八天」,然後一起高呼「喝啦!」

"Remember New Orleans I say,
Where Jackson show'd them Yankee play,
And beat them off and gain'd the day,
And then we heard the people say
Huzza! For Gen'ral Jackson."

The song "The Eighth of January" became a favorite tune for square dancing even into the 1940s. Perhaps members of your family have heard the song. Invite them to listen to the traditional fiddle tune "The Eighth of January" and together yell "Huzza!"

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