美國於1815年1月8日取得紐奧良戰爭 (Battle
of New Orleans) 的勝利
你知道許多人、尤其是在南方,為什麼會在每年的1月8日大肆慶祝嗎?在1815年的這一天,安德魯‧傑克森 (Andrew
Jackson) 少將率領一支人數與配備都十分缺乏的軍隊、成功擊敗8千名英國士兵,這就是所謂的紐奧良戰爭。傑克森成為戰爭英雄 (後來還成為第七任的美國總統) 。所以,在十九世紀時,每年的1月8日,許多人都會舉辦派對,並且跳舞慶祝這場勝利的週年紀念。
Do you know what many people, especially in the South, used to celebrate on January 8? On this day in 1815, Major General Andrew Jackson led a small, poorly equipped army to victory against 8,000 British troops at the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson became a hero (and later the seventh president of the United States). Every January 8, during the 19th century, many people held parties and dances to celebrate the anniversary of the great victory.
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