

羅伯特‧杭特 (Robert
M. T.) 生於1801年4月21日
羅伯特‧杭特於1801年4月21日出生在維吉尼亞的愛薩克斯郡 (Essex
County) ,並且就讀於維吉尼亞大學。他曾經跟他的兒子說:「我是一個南方人。」在他的政治生涯裡,杭特一直都支持奴隸制度並且支持南方各州。他代表他的家鄉維吉尼亞擔任美國的眾議員,並且在1839年到1841年之間,擔任眾議院議長,後來在1847年到1861年之間,則擔任美國參議員。但是他對南方的忠誠,卻讓他最後變成叛徒。
Robert M.T. Hunter was born on April 21, 1801, in Essex County, Virginia, and educated at the University of Virginia. He once declared to his son, "I am a Southern man." Throughout his political career, Hunter remained uncompromisingly pro-slavery and pro-South. He represented his home state of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving as Speaker of the House from 1839 to 1841, and in the U.S. Senate from 1847 to 1861. His loyalties to the South, however, eventually made him a rebel.
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