荷西‧馬紐‧蓋樂葛斯 (José
Manuel Gallegos) 生於1815年10月30日
在1853年,荷西‧蓋樂葛斯成為史上第二位西裔的美國眾議員。但是在他贏得第二次勝利時,他的政治對手—米蓋‧歐提羅 (Miguel
A. Otero) —卻指出蓋樂葛斯之所以能夠獲勝,是因為墨西哥人民非法投票給蓋樂葛斯的說法說服國會。蓋樂葛斯於是離開華盛頓,但是他並沒有脫離政治圈。
在內戰期間,南方聯盟佔領新墨西哥的聖塔非 (Santa
Fe) 。但是蓋樂葛斯卻是北方聯盟的支持者,後來他找到方法能夠提供北方聯盟軍隊資訊與協助。在1873年,蓋樂葛斯再次代表新墨西哥回到美國眾議院擔任眾議員。當他的任期結束後,他回到聖塔非,並於1875年去世。
In 1853, José Gallegos became the second Hispanic U.S. representative in history. After he won a second term, his political opponent, Miguel A. Otero, convinced Congress that Gallegos had won only because Mexican citizens had illegally voted for him. Gallegos left Washington, but he did not leave politics.
During the Civil War, the Confederates took over Santa Fe, New Mexico. Gallegos, however, was a Union supporter, and he found a way to provide information and assistance to Union forces. In 1873, Gallegos returned to the U.S. House of Representatives, once more as a delegate from New Mexico. At the end of his term, he returned to Santa Fe, where he died in 1875.
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