荷西‧馬紐‧蓋樂葛斯 (José
Manuel Gallegos) 生於1815年10月30日
在新墨西哥的歷史裡,荷西‧馬紐‧蓋樂葛斯神父是一個有影響力、受大家歡迎,但是充滿爭議性的人物。他是一個十分關心宗教與政治的人。蓋樂葛斯於1815年10月30日生於新墨西哥,他是在墨西哥對抗西班牙的戰爭裡長大的。他曾經接受過天主教方濟會 (Franciscan) 傳教士的教導。這些傳教士不但讓他知道有關上帝的事蹟,同時也灌輸他許多政治理念。
Father José Manuel Gallegos was an influential, popular, and controversial figure in the history of New Mexico. He was a man who cared deeply about both religion and politics. Born on October 30, 1815, in Nuevo México (New Mexico), Gallegos grew up during the Mexican revolution against Spain. He received his education from Franciscan missionaries. They not only taught him about God, but also they filled him with political ideals.
At the time of his birth, Nuevo México was part of Spanish colonial Mexico. By the time Nuevo México belonged to the United States, Gallegos was in his thirties and ready to put his political beliefs to use.
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