傑克森在1814年8月9日簽署傑克森堡條約 (Treat
of Fort Jackson)
你知道照片裡的人是誰嗎?美國總統安德魯‧傑克森的肖像就被印在20塊錢的紙鈔上,但是在軍隊裡,大家都知道他是傑克森少將。美國原住民稱他為「長刀」 (Long
Knife) ,之所以有這個外號,是因為他在1814年的克裡克戰爭 (Creek
War) 中殘酷無情的殺害印第安人。
這場戰爭發生在1813年的8月。一個屬於克裡克印第安人的團體「紅棍」 (Red
Sticks) 攻擊了駐紮在阿拉巴馬州天梭湖 (Lake
Tensaw) 畔的533位美國移民。在獨立革命期間,邊疆移民與克裡克族之間的緊張關係就慢慢的在醞釀之中。這次是因為移民者的貪婪,才會引來攻擊。
Do you recognize the man in the photograph? President Andrew Jackson is on the $20 bill, but the military knew him as Major General Jackson. The Native Americans called him Long Knife. Jackson earned his nickname and his reputation as a ruthless Indian fighter during the Creek War of 1814.
The war began in August 1813, when the Red Sticks, a group of the Creek Indians, attacked 553 American settlers at Lake Tensaw, Alabama. Tensions between the frontier settlers and the Creeks had been brewing since the Revolutionary War era. It was the settlers' greed that brought on the attack.
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