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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828) 
Launching party for the steamer Rochester
蒸汽船羅徹斯特號 (Rochester) 的啟程派對 (看看那些蒸氣機有多大呀!)

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約翰費區 (John Fitch) 發明蒸汽船而在1791826日得到美國專利


Between 1814 and 1834, New Orleans steamboat arrivals increased from 20 to 1,200 a year. Boats carried passengers and all kinds of cargo: cotton, sugar, animals, and later agricultural and industrial supplies. Into the 20th century, steam propulsion became so advanced that you could ride a giant steamer across the ocean. When railroads adopted the technology of steam, they too began to flourish. By the 1870s, they had replaced the steamboats as the major transporter of goods and passengers within the United States. You can still ride a tourist steamboat today. Steam-driven paddleboats are especially popular on the Mississippi.
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