
偷窺馬戲團帳棚內的情形 (Roswell,
New Mexico, April 1936

費尼爾司‧泰勒‧巴能 (Phineas
Taylor Barnum) 的誕生
費尼爾司‧泰勒‧巴能於1810年7月5日出生在康乃狄克州的貝首 (Bethel) 。他後來成為一個兼具原創性與令人驚訝的表演大師。不管是真實的驚嘆演出,或者是奇特的偽裝,巴能的表演總是吸引許多人群。
「六月時,巴能要來瓦特伯裡 (Waterbury) 表演,」巴能的愛好者阿特‧波斯福特 (Art
Botsford) 說道,「我們要搭早上第一班火車到那裡,然後在那裡待上一整天。所有的商店大概都會休息,就算這些商店還開著,肯定也沒有人會去上班的。」
Have you ever been to the circus? What about a sideshow with bearded ladies, giant elephants, and "real" mermaids? P.T. Barnum would like you to see them all.
Born on July 5, 1810, in Bethel, Connecticut, Phineas Taylor Barnum became a master showman of both the genuine and the fantastic. Whether actual wonders or freakish fakes, Barnum's attractions always drew crowds.
"Along in June P.T. Barnum would come to Waterbury, [Connecticut]," said a Barnum fan, Art Botsford, "We'd all go down on the morning train, and spend the day there. Shops [were] shut down tight. If they didn't nobody would work anyway."
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