
這是愛爾考特在波士頓所設立的實驗學校:翠蒙堂 (Tremont

教育家愛默斯‧布朗森‧愛爾考特 (Amos
Bronson Alcott) ,也是路易莎‧梅‧愛爾考特 (Louisa
May Alcott) 之父出生於1799年11月29日
投票權運動並不是愛默斯‧愛爾考特所相信的唯一事業。他也支持廢除奴隸制度。在1830年時,他前往波士頓參加有關廢除奴隸制度的一系列演講課程。在麻州,他遇到了「唯一教派」的牧師薩姆爾‧梅 (Samuel
May) ,以及他的妹妹艾碧該‧梅 (Abigal
May) ,她是老師,也是社會工作者。
The suffrage movement was not the only cause in which Amos Alcott believed. He also supported the abolition of slavery. In 1830, he traveled to Boston to attend a series of lectures on abolition. There he met Samuel May, a Unitarian minister in Massachusetts, and his sister Abigail May, a teacher and social worker.
Amos Bronson Alcott married Abigail May on May 23, 1830. Over the next few years, the couple moved several times as Amos Alcott attempted and later abandoned experimental schools after they proved financially unsuccessful. Alcott's theory on education was that "early education is the enduring power" in forming the imagination and moral life of a human being.
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