
在首都廣播工程工作室裡的一個攝影棚 (攝於1945年)

美國廣播公司 (American
Broadcasting Company) 在星期六早上播放兒童電視節目:1950年8月19日
美國廣播公司的動物醫生 (Animal
Clinic) 是以活生生的動物來拍攝的。在特技演員藍區 (Acrobat
Ranch) 裡,「翻滾提姆」 (Tumbling
Tim) 與「飛翔福洛」 (Flying
Flo) 會在螢幕上跑來跑去以取悅他們的新觀眾。
不久之後,其他電視公司也開始製作播放兒童節目。你可能認識到現在還會唱羅伯特‧「水牛鮑柏」‧史密斯 (Robert
E. 「Buffalo Bob」 Smith) 製作之「Hoody
Doody Time」裡頭之歌曲的人。或者你也認識可以告訴你有關在「Kukla,
Fran, and Ollie」裡頭表演的木偶故事的人。哥倫比亞廣播公司 (Columbia
Broadcasting System,CBS) 則是在1955年開始播放卡通影片太空飛鼠 (The
Mighty Mouse Playhouse) 。
ABC's "Animal Clinic" featured live animals. On "Acrobat Ranch," Tumbling Tim and Flying Flo flew across the small screen to entertain their new viewers.
Soon the other networks included children's shows in their regular broadcasts. There is probably someone you know who can still sing the theme song from Robert E. ("Buffalo Bob") Smith's "Howdy Doody Time," or tell you about the puppets on "Kukla, Fran, and Ollie." CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) aired the first animated cartoons in 1955 on "The Mighty Mouse Playhouse."
It wasn't until the early 1960s that cartoons showed up on weekend mornings. By the end of the decade, watching Saturday morning cartoons became a ritual in many homes. Is the TV part of your Saturday morning ritual?
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