然而,攻擊卻還沒有結束。8點21分,一架從華盛頓特區附近的杜勒斯國際機場 (Dulles
International Airport) 起飛的美國航空公司編號77號的飛機,準備飛往洛杉磯。9點41分,這架飛機撞倒維吉尼亞州阿靈頓的五角大廈 (Pentagon) ,而華盛頓特區與白宮就在波多馬克河 (Potomac
River) 對岸不遠處。
聯合航空公司編號93號的飛機於8點41分從紐澤西州的紐瓦克 (Newark) 起飛,本來的目的地是加州舊金山。但是當五角大廈遭到攻擊的消息被披露後,美國人知道還有更多飛機可能遭到劫持。這架聯合航空的93號班機突然在俄亥俄州克裡夫蘭 (Cleveland) 上空轉向,並且向東朝著華盛頓特區飛去。機上的乘客從手機裡得知發生在紐約與五角大廈的悲劇,他們相信這架飛機也遭到劫持,並且要飛到華頓特區攻擊白宮。於是,有幾位乘客決定制伏想要接管飛機的劫機者。10點07分,經過乘客英勇的抗爭後,這架飛機在賓州匹茲堡 (Pittsburgh) 南方80英里處墜毀。
The attack was not over. At 8:21 a.m. American Flight 77 departed Dulles International Airport, just outside Washington, D.C., for Los Angeles. At 9:41 a.m., this plane crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, which is just across the Potomac River from Washington and the White House.
United Flight 93 had left Newark, N.J., for San Francisco, California, at 8:41 a.m. As news of the Pentagon attack became known, it was clear that one more flight was in trouble. Flight 93 suddenly made a sharp U-turn over Cleveland, Ohio, and started flying east toward Washington. Passengers had learned via cell phone about what happened in New York and at the Pentagon. Believing that their plane was destined for Washington with the White House as its target, several passengers decided to overpower the hijackers who were trying to take over the plane. At 10:07 a.m., the plane crashed in a field 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after a valiant struggle.
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