聖派翠克節 (St.
Patrick's Day) :3月17日
愛爾蘭裔美國人,尤其是那些在1840年代到達美國的人,必須要面對、克服許多艱難。愛爾蘭在1845年至1849年發生「馬鈴薯大飢荒」 (Great
Potato Famine) 時,據說有1百萬愛爾蘭人受到影響。為了逃避飢荒,這些人只好移民到美洲地區。在這段期間來到美國的愛爾蘭人,沒有受過太多教育,身上也沒有太多財產,雖然他們留在美國定居,但是卻遇到貧窮與歧視的問題。大多數的愛爾蘭人都是天主教徒,也因為這個宗教差別,而受到長時期的歧視,不過愛爾蘭裔美國人也展現了他們堅韌的生命力與勇氣。
Irish Americans, especially those who arrived in the U.S. in the 1840s, have had to overcome much suffering. The Great Potato Famine of 1845-49 claimed the lives of 1 million Irish back on the Isle of Erin (Ireland is also called Eire). To escape starvation, those that could immigrated to America. Most of the Irish who settled in the U.S. during this period arrived with little education and few material possessions. As a result, they encountered poverty and discrimination. Most were Catholics and also suffered because of longstanding prejudices against their religion. But Irish Americans showed their strength and courage.
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