第96號農場 (Ninety-Six
Ranch) 在1979年的最後一次放牧:1979年10月7日
在內華達州的第96號農場上,牛仔 (cowboys) 被稱為「牛仔」 (buckaroos) 。每當到了放牧牛群時,牛仔必須在早上5點30分就起床工作。西元1979年10月7日,這是秋季放牧的最後一天,那天早上跟平常沒有什麼兩樣。
吃過早餐之後,牛仔們騎著馬,把最後一群整個夏天都在聖塔羅莎山 (Santa
Rosa Mountain) 吃草的牛群趕在一起。和你在電影裡看到的牛仔不同,這些牛仔不必以星空為被睡在草地上。
On the Ninety-Six Ranch in Nevada, cowboys are known as buckaroos. At roundup time on the cattle ranch, a buckaroo's day starts at 5:30 in the morning, and on October 7, 1979, the last day of that year's fall roundup, the morning was no different.
After breakfast, the buckaroos rode the range, gathering up the last of the cattle that had been grazing over the summer in the Santa Rosa Mountains. Unlike the cattle drives you may have seen in the movies, these buckaroos did not have to sleep on the ground with only a blanket of stars to keep them warm.
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