

傑奇‧羅賓森 (Jackie
Robinson) 投出開場球:1972年10月15日
在羅賓森傑出的棒球生涯中,他曾經獲選為最有價值球員 (Valuable
Player) 、並且和道奇隊一同擊敗宿敵紐約洋基隊 (Yankees) ,此外,他也獲選列名棒球名人堂 (Baseball
Hall of Fame) 。在他退休的日子裡,羅賓森為了要求職棒聯盟能夠讓更多少數族裔人士擔任管理與行政工作,他拒絕再次進入球場,以表示抵制。
In Robinson's phenomenal baseball career, he was voted Most Valuable Player, won a World Series with the Dodgers against their New York rivals, the Yankees, and was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. For many of his retired years, Robinson refused to set foot into a stadium in a personal boycott, demanding the hiring of more minorities in baseball's managerial and front-office positions.
Robinson left behind an amazing record of baseball accomplishments and a heroic beginning for others, perhaps some of your favorite players.
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