羅莎‧帕克斯 (Rosa
Parks) 因為「不合作主義」 (Civil
Disobedience) 而遭到逮捕:1955年12月1日
帕克斯遭到逮捕後,在她的審判日當天,引發一天的公車抵制事件。然而,為了要成功挑戰公共運輸工具上的種族隔離問題,「美國有色人種促進會」知道他們必須要有更多持續的行動。當地的「右道浸禮會教堂」 (Dexter
Avenue Baptist Church) 的新任牧師成為這場抵制行動的領導者。這位牧師的名字叫做馬丁‧路德‧金恩二世 (Martin
Luther King Jr.) 。金恩堅持要透過非暴力的行動來達到公平正義的目標。他說:「我們必須要使用愛的武器。」西元1956年12月,最高法院判決禁止在公共運輸工具上再有種族歧視的發生,而這場抵制也在開始一年之後宣告結束。羅莎‧帕克斯也成為大家口中的「民權運動之母」 (Mother
of the Civil Rights Movement) ,並得到各國頒發的許多獎項。如果你是她,你會做出跟她一樣的行動嘛?
Parks's arrest was followed by a one-day bus boycott on her court date. To successfully challenge segregated public transport, however, the NAACP knew it needed continued action. The new pastor at the local Dexter Avenue Baptist Church became the leader of the boycott. His name was Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. King insisted on nonviolent action to achieve the goal of justice. "We must use the weapon of love," he said. In December 1956, the Supreme Court banned segregation on public transportation, and the boycott ended over a year after it had begun. Rosa Parks became known as the "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement," honored with awards around the world. In her situation, would you have done what Rosa Parks did?
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