

羅莎‧帕克斯 (Rosa
Parks) 因為「不合作主義」 (Civil
Disobedience) 而遭到逮捕:1955年12月1日
羅莎‧帕克斯可以挺身捍衛她所相信的信念,也可坐著堅持她所相信的理念。在1955年12月1日的傍晚,帕克斯這個非裔美人在一整天的工作之後感到相當疲憊,她決定要在回家的公車上找個位置坐下來休息。因為她坐在座位上拒絕讓位給一個白人乘客,於是她因為違反阿拉巴馬州的法律而遭到逮捕。該州法律規定當公車滿座時,黑人必須要讓位給白人。 (此外,黑人也只能坐在公車的後半部。) 帕克斯的逮捕事件,引發了蒙哥馬力郡 (Montgomery) 一場長達381天的抵制公車事件。這也進一步促使最高法院在1956年通過禁止在公共運輸工具上再發生種族隔離的情形。引發1960年代民權運動的羅莎‧帕克斯究竟是誰呢?
Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed, or rather, sat down for what she believed. On the evening of December 1, 1955, Parks, an African American, was tired after a long day of work and decided to take a seat on the bus on her ride home. Because she sat down and refused to give up her seat to a white passenger, she was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law requiring black people to relinquish seats to white people when the bus was full. (Blacks also had to sit at the back of the bus.) Her arrest sparked a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery bus system. It also led to a 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation on public transportation. Who was Rosa Parks, the woman who helped spark the civil rights movement of the 1960s?
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