吉米‧卡特 (Jimmy
Carter) 總統於1977年9月7日簽署巴拿馬運河條約 (Panama
Canal Treaty)
你有多少次曾經把鄰居的後院當成捷徑呢?美國在大西洋與太平洋之間,建造了一條長達51英里的捷徑。這條捷徑穿越了一位遙遠鄰居的後院,大家稱這條捷徑為「巴拿馬運河」 (Panama
Canal) 。當然,在興建這條捷徑之前,美國早在1904年就得到巴拿馬政府的同意。
西元1977年9月7日,吉米‧卡特總統簽署了巴拿馬運河條約以及中立條約 (Neutrality
Treaty) ,允諾要在公元2000年的時候,將運河的管理權交還給巴拿馬人。
How many times have you taken a shortcut through a neighbor's backyard? The U.S. created a 51-mile shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through a distant neighbor's "backyard" and called it the Panama Canal. Of course, the U.S. got permission from Panama first, back in 1904.
On September 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty and Neutrality Treaty promising to give control of the canal to the Panamanians by the year 2000.
Why was this shortcut for ships needed, and how did the U.S. build one through the jungles of Panama?
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