看看你的衣服或背包上的標籤,你可以看到這些東西是哪裡製造的。這些東西很有可能都是中國製造的。現今,美國和中國已經有相當開放的貿易政策,也意味著貨物可自由在兩國之間進行貿易往來。不過,情況並非本來就是這樣子的。西元1972年2月21日,理查‧尼克森 (Richard
. Nixon) 總統到中國進行正式的官方參訪。自從中華人民共和國 (People』s
Republic of China) 在1949年建立以來,尼克森是第一個拜訪中國的美國總統。這是一個相當重大的事件,因為美國在冷戰期間正尋求改善和共產國家之間的關係。你覺得尼克森和中國討論哪些議題呢?
Look at the tags on your clothes or your backpack and see where they were made. There's a chance it was China. Today, the U.S. has an open-trade policy with China, which means goods are traded freely between the two countries, but it wasn't always this way. On February 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon arrived in China for an official trip. He was the first U.S. president to visit the People's Republic of China since it was established in 1949. This was an important event because the U.S. was seeking to improve relations with a Communist country during the Cold War. What sorts of issues do you think Nixon discussed?
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