羅傑‧馬立斯 (Roger
Maris) 打破記錄:1961年10月1日
你可能會記得聖路易紅雀隊 (Cardinals) 馬克‧馬奎爾 (Mark
McGwire) 與芝加哥小熊隊 (Cubs) 的山米‧索沙 (Sammy
Sosa) 這兩人曾經在1998年的球季中都打破同一個紀錄。他們兩人打破的就是羅傑‧馬立斯的紀錄。這個記錄已經維持了37年之久,都沒被打破。你知道馬立斯當時是打破誰的紀錄嗎? (提示:看看這張照片。) 不過,馬立斯真的打破貝比‧魯斯 (Babe
Ruth) 的紀錄了嗎?
Going... going... gone! Roger Maris breaks the record for the most home runs in a single season! On October 1, 1961, Maris slammed home run number 61.
You may remember that Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals and Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs both broke the same record during the 1998 season. It was Roger Maris's record that they broke. No one had been able to break that record for 37 years. Do you know whose record Maris broke? (Hint: take a look at the photograph.) But did Maris really break Babe Ruth's record?
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