

美國太空總署的水星計畫 (Mercury
Program) 在開始執行的第一年 (1961) 時,就達到了第二項目標:將載人太空船送上太空。到了1969年的夏天,美國人已經能夠在月球上漫步了。
西元1983年6月24日,也就正好是甘迺迪指派詹森負責衛星計畫的22年後,美國婦女莎莉‧萊德 (Sally
Ride) 搭乘太空梭挑戰者號 (Challenger) 進行太空旅行。也許有一天太空旅行會成為許多美國人常用的交通方式。你想去太空中的哪一個地方呢?
NASA's Mercury Program made rapid progress in meeting its second goal by sending its first manned missions into space in its first year, 1961. By the summer of 1969, Americans walked on the moon.
On June 24, 1983, exactly 22 years after Kennedy assigned Johnson to oversee the satellite program, the first American woman, Sally Ride, traveled into space aboard the space shuttle Challenger. Perhaps, someday, space travel will become a common form of transportation for many Americans. Where in space would you like to go?
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