

攝影師朵洛西亞‧藍吉 (Dorothea
Lange) 去世了:1965年10月11日
藍吉本來是一個照相館的攝影師,但是在經濟大蕭條 (Great Depression) 的時候,她帶著相機離開照相館,走到街道上拍攝。她幫無家可歸者所照的照片,使她在政府新設立的機構裡得到一份工作,這個機構的主要工作就是在幫助那些需要幫助的人。
藍吉在重置管理局 (Resettlement
Administration) ,現在稱為美國聯邦農場安全管理局 (Farm
Security Administration,FSA) 工作時所拍攝的照片,使她聲名大噪。
What do you see when you look through the lens of a camera? Many people take photographs to remember a special occasion. Photographs can also show us what is happening in another country or in our own backyard. Photographer Dorothea Lange is well known for her pictures of forgotten Americans.
She began her career as a studio photographer, but during the Great Depression, Lange took her camera out of the studio and onto the streets. Her photographs of the homeless led to her getting a job in one of the new government agencies established to help those in need.
Lange became famous for the photographs she took during her work for the federal Resettlement Administration (RA), later called the Farm Security Administration (FSA.)
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