
約翰‧甘迺迪總統並不是唯一一個遭到刺殺或死於不幸的甘迺迪家族成員 (攝於1961年)

約翰‧甘迺迪 (John
F. Kennedy) 總統在德州達拉斯遭到槍殺:1963年11月22日
西元1963年11月22日星期五,一聲槍響震撼了美國各地,緊接在後的,就是舉國的哀慟。總統的車隊在德州達拉斯 (Dallas) 的街道上遭到槍擊,約翰‧甘迺迪中槍不治。
甘迺迪是美國的第35位總統,當時他才46歲,只擔任總統不到三年。但是,在那短暫的總統生涯裡,甘迺迪和他的妻子賈桂琳‧鮑維‧甘迺迪 (Jacqueline
Bouvier Kennedy) 卻已經成為國內外最受歡迎的人物。在接下來的幾天內,無數美國人民坐在電視前面收看有關刺殺案與葬禮的所有報導,平常播放的節目都暫時停止播出了。
On Friday, November 22, 1963, a shockwave ran through the whole nation, followed by grief. President John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas.
The 35th president, only 46 years old, had served less than three years in office. But during that short time, Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, became immensely popular both at home and abroad. For the next several days, stunned Americans gathered around their television sets, as regular programming yielded to nonstop coverage of the assassination and funeral.
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