路易斯‧喬登 (Louis
Jordon) 的歌曲及時行樂 (Let
the Good Times Roll) 打入排行榜:1946年12月21日
雖然喬登曾在1940年代將跳躍藍調與一種類似爵士的黑人音樂 (Boogie-Woogie) 介紹給大眾認識,但是他的音樂之路到了1950年代卻開始出現波折。他多次想要回到舞台上表演,但是都無法成功。
就算你從未聽過路易斯‧喬登的音樂,你也一定聽過類似風格的音樂。喬登的音樂影響了許多表演者,最著名的包括查克‧貝利 (Chuck
Berry) 、雷‧查爾斯 (Ray
Charles) ,以及比爾‧哈雷 (Bill
Haley) 。此外,其他還有許多人都曾演奏過他的音樂,例如伍迪‧赫爾曼 (Woody
Herman) 、穆迪‧瓦特司 (Muddy
Waters) 、比比金 (BB.
King) ,以及艾力克‧克萊普頓 (Eric
Clapton) 。西元1987年,也就是喬登死後12年,他才獲選進入俄亥俄州克裡夫蘭的搖滾樂名人堂。
While Jordan introduced jump blues and boogie-woogie to the masses in the 1940s, his career was not successful in the 1950s. Repeated attempts to stage a comeback failed.
If you've never heard a Louis Jordan recording, you have certainly heard his style. Jordan influenced a wide range of performers, most notably Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, and Bill Haley. Among many others who have played his music are Woody Herman, Muddy Waters, B. B. King, and Eric Clapton. Jordan was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, 1987, 12 years after he died.
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