路易斯‧喬登 (Louis
Jordon) 的歌曲及時行樂 (Let
the Good Times Roll) 打入排行榜:1946年12月21日
跳躍,快步走,讓我們及時行樂吧!路易斯‧喬登是一個即興的音樂家,他用嘴巴來演奏爵士樂。西元1946年12月21日,喬登的單曲及時行樂第一次登上「節奏藍調」 (R&B) 排行榜。在接下來的22週裡,這首歌曲仍然高居排行榜的前幾名,並且有長達四週的時間都是第二名。
你會演奏樂器嗎?路易斯‧喬登從七歲的時候就開始演奏薩克斯風。在他成為青少年後,他開始跟著著名的「兔腳音樂家」 (Rabbit
Foot Minstrels) 四處巡迴表演,並且幫貝西‧史密斯 (Bessie
Smith) 等許多位藍調歌手伴奏。這位天才音樂家後來又發生什麼事呢?
Jump, boogie, and let the good times roll! Louis Jordan was a swinging musician who played "jazz with a broad grin." On December 21, 1946, Jordan's single, "Let the Good Times Roll," debuted on the rhythm-and-blues (R&B) charts. Over the next 22 weeks, the recording stayed near the top of the chart, occupying the Number 2 spot for four weeks.
Do you play a musical instrument? Louis Jordan started playing saxophone at the age of 7. As a teenager, he toured with the famed Rabbit Foot Minstrels and backed blues singers, including Bessie Smith. What was next for this talented musician?
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