美國人慶祝萬聖節 (Halloween) :10月31日
每到了10月31日,孩子和大人們都會打扮成魔鬼與妖精,或是公主與海盜的模樣。許多美國人會穿著特別的服裝來慶祝萬聖節的傳統習俗,同時也會說一些有關巫婆與鬼魂的故事。南瓜會被雕刻成燭光閃耀的南瓜燈 (jack-o'-lantern) 。孩子們會挨家挨戶的敲門,並且大叫:「搗蛋或請客」 (Trick
or Treat) ,希望大人們能幫他們把袋子裝滿糖果。對那些參加活動的人來說,這一晚是相當有趣的;但是萬聖節在美國的歷史上卻代表著黑暗的一刻。
Every October 31, both children and adults slip into the night as ghouls and goblins, princesses and pirates. Many Americans celebrate the traditions of Halloween by dressing in costumes and telling tales of witches and ghosts. Pumpkins are carved into glowering jack-o'-lanterns. Children parade from house to house, knocking on doors and calling out "Trick or treat!" hoping to have their bags filled with candy. It can be a night of fun for those who participate, but the history of Halloween in America has a darker side.
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