

愛爾西亞‧吉布森 (Althea
Gibson) 又贏了!1957年7月6日
在她的運動生涯中,愛爾西亞‧吉布森都得和種族隔離的情況進行抗爭。你能想像雖然她贏得冠軍,但是卻無法和其他選手住在同一間飯店,或者進入同一間餐廳吃飯的情況嗎?那可能會讓你再也不打網球了。但是愛爾西亞‧吉布森卻從來沒有放棄,後來她還曾經二度成為美聯社 (Associated
Press) 選出的第一位黑人女性年度運動員。吉布森擁有的這些「第一」,也幫助其他女性運動員,例如維納斯‧威廉斯 (Venus
Williams) 與賽琳娜‧威廉斯 (Serena
Williams) 姊妹的運動生涯更為順利。當你想要在這個世界上嘗試某一件事時,你首先會想要做什麼?
Throughout her career, Althea Gibson struggled against segregation, the practice of separating blacks from whites. Imagine winning a tournament and then not being allowed into the same hotel or restaurant as the other players. It might make you want to quit playing tennis, but Althea Gibson never gave up. She became the first black woman to be named Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press--twice. All those Gibson "firsts" helped pave the way for future champions like Venus and Serena Williams. When it is time for you to venture out into the world, what is the first thing that you'd like to do?
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