卡洛‧香寧 (Carol
Channing) 的第一次登台:我愛紅娘 (Hello
Dolly!,又譯為哈囉,桃麗!) :1964年1月16日
哈囉,桃麗!哈囉,卡洛‧香寧!香寧於1964年1月16日首次登台演出傳統美國音樂劇我愛紅娘中擔綱演出桃麗‧葛拉賀 (Dolly
Gallagher) 一角。知名劇作評論家華特‧克爾 (Walter
Kerr) 對香寧的表演讚譽有加,他說:「香寧真是太棒了。」卡洛‧香寧在劇中穿著誘人的紅色假髮,並在一雙看似會說話的大眼睛上裝上假睫毛。我愛紅娘是根據東爾頓‧威爾德 (Thornton
Wilder) 的劇作媒人 (Matchmaker) 所改編的舞台劇,這是一齣相當賣座的舞台劇。我愛紅娘不但得過10座東尼獎 (Tony
Award) ,同時還被選為是1963~1964年的最佳音樂劇。 (東尼獎是頒發給在紐約百老匯上演之舞台劇的獎項。)
Hello Dolly! Hello Carol Channing! Channing played the part of Dolly Gallagher Levi in the debut of this classic American musical on January 16, 1964. "She is glorious," raved theater critic Walter Kerr, as Carol Channing made her appearance on stage wearing a carrot-colored wig and false eyelashes fluttering over her large, expressive eyes. Hello Dolly, based on Thornton Wilder's play The Matchmaker, was a smash hit. It received ten Tony awards and was named Best Musical of the Year in 1963-64. (Tony Awards are given to plays that run on Broadway in New York City.)
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